What a heartbreak! We have just been informed that the van we use to help our residents get to their hospital appointments or run personal errands has been damaged.
For many of our residents, this van represented freedom, as it is extremely difficult for someone in a wheelchair to get around otherwise.
If you can help us buy a new van, we would greatly appreciate it. Every contribution counts because this is a significant expense for us. Thank you for your support.
X’weġġgħa ta’ qalb! Għadna kemm ġejna infurmati li l-van li bih ngħinu r-residenti tagħna jmorru appuntament l-isptar jew għal qadja personali ġie mkisser.
Dan l-aċċident seħħ dan il-lejl f’Ħal Qormi. Għal ħafna dan il-van kien ifisser liberta biex imorru ximkien, għax biex persuna f’wheelchair bhal tagħna tmur x’imkien hija diffiċli ħafna.
Jekk tista tgħina nixtri van ieħor napprezzaw immens. Kull qattra tgħodd għax din għalina hija spiża kbira ħafna.
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