Għat-tieni sena konsekuttiva, Kruiven (9 snin) ser jipprova jikser ir-rekord tiegħu stess. Is-sena l-oħra ġera 5KM u ġabar €5,000 għal ALS Malta. Din id-darba, peress li ALS Malta ser tkun qed tniedi t-tieni dar newreloġika, Kruiven jixtieq jiġri mill-Imdina sa DAR Bjorn Żebbuġ biex jgħaqqad iż-żewġt idjar u jferraħ aktar pazjenti.
Kruiven, minkejja li għadu żgħir jifhem il-ħtieġa tiegħu li jgħin lil batut u jixtieq jagħmel minn kollox biex jgħin lil Bjorn u persuni oħra b'kundizzjonijiet newreloġiċi.
Awguri Kruiven!
For the past four years, I’ve had the honor of wor...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €75.00 out of €100
Join us in celebrating the spirit of giving by sup...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €140.00 out of €200
Join us in making a real difference this September...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €16,344.00 out of €18,000
Hi, it's Maria! I've been working as a physiothera...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €180.00 out of €250
What a heartbreak! We have just been informed that...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €14,938.00 out of €35,000
As we gather in the beautiful Xagħra square, not j...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €25.00 out of €1,000
Dear Friends, For the third time, Kruiven Farru...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €7,251.00 out of €7,000
I've been helping Bjorn since 2016. For this year'...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €0.00 out of €150
In memory of Mary Mifsud, who passed away on April...
CONTRIBUTE NOWCollected €205.00 out of €100